Welcome! We are CapsuleTech

We are committed to creating the ultimate experience for smart cars

our service

We focus on the automotive field, and our business covers the entire process from concept design to mass production development. With innovation and expertise, we help automotive companies accelerate digital transformation and reshape their brand image.

Product Strategy

In automotive industry, it is crucial to develop a clear product strategy. We provide professional brand consulting, user research, competitive product analysis and product definition services to help you develop a clear product strategy and create outstanding innovative products that meet user needs and win market competition.

Innovative design

We are committed to providing comprehensive design services to automakers, including 3D design, visual design, HMI interaction design, motion/sound design, VPA design and other fields. We are not only designers, but also your innovation partner, helping your products stand out and lead the market.

Prototype Verification

The intelligent cockpit prototype verification process is being innovated. We provide professional automobile prototype verification services, including software prototype development, Protopie prototype development, VR/AR, driving simulator, platform/hardware customization and usability testing, etc., to help you shorten the product development cycle and reduce development costs.

Mass production

We have extensive experience in mass production development and provide professional Unreal, Unity, Android, Linux and QNX/QT mass production development capabilities to help you shorten your product development cycle and reduce development costs. Our engineering team will deeply explore chip performance to create a smooth and stable car system for you.

latest cases

Due to confidentiality agreements, we only provide a small number of examples of models that have been launched on the market. We are responsible for the final delivery quality of all projects and continue to break through the upper limit of delivery standards.

Our products

We have never stopped innovating and thinking, and have chosen to continue technological exploration in areas that promote industry development, using technology to drive upgrades in cockpit safety and experience.

Envir Intelligent Driving Digital Twin

CapsuleTech is a one-stop HMI prototyping, usability testing and data analysis tool developed for automotive HMI designers, smart cockpit designers and related personnel.

CT Panoramic Driving Simulator

We used the Unreal engine to create a driving simulator that fully complies with domestic road conditions and has a very low threshold for use, to assist in the dynamic development of smart cockpits.

CapsuleTech Insights

CapsuleTech is committed to pushing the frontier of smart car technology. Our global mindset and exceptional team enable us to stand out in the industry.

Application of AIGC in the automotive design industry

CapsuleTech is one of the earliest companies in the industry to pay attention to and conduct in-depth research on AI technology. Our product and design teams have used AIGC for a lot of design practices and have brought AIGC’s technology into actual projects.

Industry Certification

CapsuleTech is committed to pushing the frontier of smart car technology. Our global mindset and exceptional team enable us to stand out in the industry.

The choice and trust of world-class companies

Obtained multiple industry certifications

National High-tech Enterprise Certification

Tisax L2 level information security certification

PSCR Certification

Epic Games Global Service Provider